Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- Cybersecurity News of the Week (30.09.2021). (to the original material)
- Bug Bounty Radar - The latest bug bounty programs for October 2021. (to the original material)
- What can we learn from the top cloud security breaches? (to the original material)
- Baby’s death alleged to be linked to ransomware. (to the original material)
- Revived Mirai variant now targets a zero-day in Ruijie Routers. (to the original material)
- Gaming platforms face a major threat from BloodyStealer. (to the original material)
- GhostEmperor: From ProxyLogon to kernel mode. (to the original material)
- Proxy Phantom: Fraud rings flood online merchants with credential stuffing attacks. (to the original material)
- Mac Users Targeted by Trojanized iTerm2 App. (to the original material)
- Nation-state attacks fears grow, execs don’t trust governments to protect them from cyber threats. (to the original material)
- SASE initiatives are gaining momentum. (to the original material)
- How much trust should we place in the security of biometric data?. (to the original material)
- Third-party risk prevention strategies inadequate despite organizations being aware of the threats. (to the original material)
- C-level execs confident in their software supply chain security, but challenges remain. (to the original material)
- CSPs (Communication Service Providers) deploying AI to improve customer experience and reduce operational costs. (to the original material)
- Thousands of University Wi-Fi networks expose log-in credentials. (to the original material)
- CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) examines top 10 blockchain attacks, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses. (to the original material)
- QNAP fixes bug that let attackers run malicious commands remotely. (to the original material)
- Google pushes emergency Chrome update to fix two zero-days. (to the original material)
- Fake Amnesty International Pegasus scanner used to infect Windows. (to the original material)
- GhostEmperor hackers use new Windows 10 rootkit in attacks. (to the original material)
- JVCKenwood hit by Conti ransomware claiming theft of 1.5TB data. (to the original material)
- WireX DDoS botnet admin charged for attacking hotel chain. (to the original material)
- RansomEXX ransomware Linux encryptor may damage victims' files. (to the original material)
- US Congress asks FBI to explain delay in helping Kaseya attack victims. (to the original material)
- CISA and NSA provide tips for securing VPNs. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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