Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- Ransomware attacks on the rise – How to counter them? (to the original material)
- IT executives do not believe their business can have both a flexible and usable Kubernetes environment. (to the original material)
- Ransomware attacks on healthcare organizations may have life-or-death consequences. (to the original material)
- Certificates volume growing, most enterprises considering PKI automation to reduce risks. (to the original material)
- Apple Pay with VISA lets hackers force payments on locked iPhones. (to the original material)
- Facebook open-sources tool to find Android app security flaws. (to the original material)
- Russia arrests cybersecurity firm CEO after raiding offices. (to the original material)
- CISA releases tool to help orgs fend off insider threat risks. (to the original material)
- Trucking giant Forward Air reports ransomware data breach. (to the original material)
- New Tomiris backdoor likely developed by SolarWinds hackers. (to the original material)
- New Android malware steals millions after infecting 10M phones. (to the original material)
- Canadian vaccine passport app exposes data. (to the original material)
- More than two-thirds of organizations are targets of at least one ransomware attack. (to the original material)
- US Mulls cyber-attack reporting mandate. (to the original material)
- Criminalii cibernetici moderni nu hăcuiesc - Se conectează. (to the original material)
- YouTube pledges to block all anti-vaccine content. (to the original material)
- ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) reveals 60% rise in nuisance contact reports. (to the original material)
- CISA and NSA deliver new security guidance for VPNs. (to the original material)
- Mental healthcare providers report data breaches. (to the original material)
- How ground-breaking is WhatsApp's Fine? (to the original material)
- Most third-party cloud containers have vulnerabilities. (to the original material)
- SolarWinds attackers develop new FoggyWeb backdoor. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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