Logo Cyber News

Logo Dorin M Wolf


- Data Driven Security Hardening in Android. (to the original material)
- Fonix ransomware shuts down his activity and releases master decryption keys public. (to the original material)
- The Week in Ransomware - January 29, 2021 - Striking back. (to the original material)
- Here's how law (Europol plus affiliates) enforcement's Emotet malware module works. (to the original material)
- Vovalex is likely the first ransomware written in D (Dlang inspired by C ++). (to the original material)
- New Pro-Ocean malware worm through Apache, Oracle, Redis servers. (to the original material)
- Perl.com domain stolen, now using IP address tied to malware distribution. (to the original material)
- Windows Installer zero-day vulnerability receives free micropatch. (to the original material)
- SOC (Security Operations Center) challenges within the current cyber skilling climate. (to the original material)
- Privacy and security practices are essential for post-pandemic recovery. (to the original material)
- Extortion demands grow as cybercriminals target new online industries. (to the original material)
- Serious vulnerability found in Libgcrypt, GnuPG's cryptographic library. (to the original material)


Logo Dorin M Wolf

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